Communicate and educate on the role of the payment institution sector in the economy.
Present an alternative and complementary perspective to banks in the payments space.
Set out the benefits of a single EU payments (institutions) market – removal of excessive regulatory obstacles.
Be seen as an infrastructure provider for efficient payments in a European Single Market.
Promote an increased level of innovation and competition in the payment sector.
Increase quality of payment services (e.g. security, reliability etc.).
Increase payment product diversification tailored to the needs of society (e.g. mobile, internet).
Act as a powerful network for Members to exchange views, form common positions and exchange best practice.
Share daily information on regulatory and EU policy developments impacting the sector.
Participate in EU industry wide fora on payment standard setting and regulation and actively represent EPIF members in these discussions.
Ensure PIs have fair and proportionate access in the EU.
From time to time, comment jointly on pending EU legislation and policy.
Engage in any other activity furthering the above objectives.