The European Payment Institutions Federation (EPIF) is based on:

A clear governance structure.

A broad membership representing all business models of the payment institutions sector.

Active working committees representing the interests of its members.

A clear identity with visibility in the industry and recognition by its peer associations.

An outsourced Secretariat based in Brussels accountable to the EPIF Board, ensures interests of all members and business models are taken into account.

The General Meeting is the main governing body of the association.
Its primary functions are to:

Determine annual membership fees and approve budgets and accounts.

Elect, oversee and discharge the Board.

Determine the main objectives and priorities for EPIF.

Adopt changes to the Statutes and internal rules of procedure.

Appoint persons to represent EPIF with externally in the relevant bodies and fora.

The Executive Board’s responsibilities include:

Act as the day-to-day decision-making body for all EPIF activities and operations.

Ensure a fair representation of all PI business models and interests within EPIF.

The Board appoints from its members a Chairman and a Deputy Chairman, together with a Treasurer for three-year terms of office. For more details on the Board, click here on the link to the Statutes. The Board meets approximately every two months to discuss EPIF activities and operations.

EPIF has one working group:

The Technical Committee shares and exchanges information on practical aspects of implementation of EU legislation, technical standards and market access issues. The Committee meets approximately every two months to exchange views, form common positions, exchange best practice and provide a wealth of information on topics such as developments in the digital single market, data, cybersecurity, tax and the progress of PSD2 implementation in member states.  It also ensures that EPIF policies and activities are consistent with EU competition rules.

Guest speakers are invited to address the EPIF Board and Technical Committee meetings, of which most recent speakers include policy makers and industry representatives.

The Executive Steering Committee regularly brings together the senior executives of its members’ companies.

The other Board members are:

  • Sophie Claessens, Amazon
  • Jane Newman, Qonto
  • Tim Daly, Western Union
  • Marco Pancini, Meta
  • Konrad Stolarski, PONIP – Representing EPIF Association Members
  • Mafalda Moz Teixeira, SIBS – Representing EPIF Corporate Members

EPIF has three Task Forces:

AML Task Force

Chair: Konstantinos Maragkakis, Paysafe

The EPIF Task Force on AML is responsible for providing advice and guidance related to preparing EPIF’s position in relation to the recent AML/CTF package, as well as all other EU initiatives such as the revision of the Supranational Risk Assessment (SNRA) bank de-risking, use of new technologies for the detection and prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing. In particular, the Task Force monitors the Commission drafting and subsequent legislative process, drafts common positions and messaging aimed at ensuring a consistent industry view among the EPIF membership, and propose and lead on any direct dialogue with the relevant stakeholders on EPIF’s behalf and under the guidance of the Technical Committee.

Tax Task Force

Chair: Sophie Claessens, Amazon

Vice Chair: Ninja Reggelin, Zalando

The EPIF Tax Task Force is responsible for providing advice and guidance related to direct and indirect taxation policies of relevance to EPIF members; this include in particular digital taxation exchange of VAT-relevant payments data and the current OECD Pillar 1 and Pillar 2. The objective of this task force is to coordinate and establish an EPIF position based on the interest of its members, to influence policies in the direction of the interest of the payments sector and the diverse business models within EPIF’s membership. This includes ensuring a future-proof approach which does not hamper innovation and further development of business models and the way they operate, limiting the administrative burden to companies and safe-guarding fair competition in the payments sector.

Payments Regulation Task Force

Chair: Hendrik Frank, American Express
Vice Chair: Julia Kowalski, Stripe 

The EPIF Payments Regulation Task Force is responsible for providing guidance and preparing EPIF’s position in relation to the  the upcoming review of the PSD2. The Task Force also monitors most EU regulatory initiatives aimed at regulating the payment sector e.g. (cross-border payments regulation, revision of the Interchange Fee Regulation, E-Money, the basic payment account, review of Settlement Finality Directive and others). In particular, the Task Force monitors the Commission drafting and subsequent legislative process, draft common positions and messaging aimed at ensuring a consistent industry view among the EPIF membership; propose and lead on any dialogue with the relevant external stakeholders on EPIF’s behalf and under the guidance of the Technical Committee.

This Task Force develops common EPIF positions on EU standard setting in payments market,  and  supports the work of EPIF’s external representatives in a number of working groups.

These are:

  • The European Commission Expert-Groups;
  • The EPC Working Groups;
  • The ERPB Working Groups; and
  • The ECB’s work on interbank clearing and settlement systems.

The Task Force also provides advice and guidance to the Technical Committee of EPIF.

EPIF has external representation on:

  • EPC Board
  • EPC Scheme Management Board
  • EPC Card Expert Group
  • EPC Legal Support Group
  • EPC Payment Security Support Group
  • EPC Mirroring Task Force on Mobile-and Card-based Contactless Proximity Payments
  • EPC ad-hoc Working Group on Access to Payment Accounts
  • ERPB Board
  • ERPB Mobile Proxy Forum Steering Committee
  • ERPB Working Group on Payment Initiation Services
  • Other operational and technical matters expert subgroup of the ERPB Working Group on Payment Initiation Services
  • ERPB API Expert Subgroup of the PIS Group

For further information please contact:

Association services are performed by an independent Secretariat which provides pre-agreed commercial services to its members. Among others, it has responsibility for association management, membership administration and website management.

The Secretariat is performed by Afore Consulting. The four main contacts are:

  • Nickolas Reinhardt – Director
  • Lia Couto Mota – Junior Consultant
  • Agori Michopoulou – Junior Consultant
  • Giulia Corbo – Junior Consultant

Please find the link to the EPIF StatutesEPIF Brochure and EPIF Presentation.

EPIF registered offices are at:
Chaussée d’Alsemberg/Alsembergsesteenweg, 999,
B-1180 Brussels

You can contact the EPIF Secretariat c/o Afore Consulting:
Rue du Trône,
B-1050 Brussels
0032 (0) 472 24 15 89