EPIF position paper on the PSD3/PSR

EPIF is delighted to share its position paper on the recent proposals on payment services (PSD3/PSR). EPIF very much welcomes these proposals, in particular the ambitious approach taken by the European Commission to move towards a Single Rulebook. This is an important step to further deepen the EU’s Single Market for payments and reduce divergences [...]


Joint Statement on the AML Regulation

EPIF is happy to share with you its Press Release on the impact of the AML Regulation on low-value gift cards and e-money products. The Head of the EPIF Secretariat, Nickolas Reinhardt, stated that “The proposal to remove the exemption is not necessary and disproportionate. There is a very low risk of such products being [...]


Joint Statement on EU Digital Identity Regulation

Please find below the Joint Statement by EPIF, together with the ETTPA, the European Fintech Association, the European Digital Finance Association and AEFI on the EU eIDAS Regulation. The Joint Statement highlights the importance of keeping payments under the scope of the Regulation.   Digital identity should be able to substitute physical identity documents in [...]


EPIF recommendations on the PSD2 Review

EPIF is delighted to share with you its views and recommendations ahead of the expected proposal by the European Commission revising the PSD2. EPIF members have always been supportive of the PSD2's goals of being a maximum harmonisation Directive. With this in mind, our recommendations focus on the areas we believe warrant a closer and more urgent [...]


EPIF position paper on the Digital Euro

EPIF is delighted to share with you its position on the ongoing Digital Euro project. As an active stakeholder in the various workstreams of the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB), including the Rulebook Development Group, EPIF members are closely following the developments. At a high-level, EPIF would  strongly discourage any rushed procedures in the Digital [...]


EPIF position on the Settlement Finality Directive

EPIF is delighted to share with you its position on the Settlement Finality Directive. Adopted in 1998, the SFD guarantees that transfer orders within the European Union which enter the intra-bank payment system of central banks or are used for clearing and settlement of securities are legally settled. Under the current settlement arrangements for SCT [...]


Joint Statement to Retain exemption for low-value, low-risk e-money products

EPIF has co-signed a Joint Statement to keep the option for anonymous low risk, low value e-money products in the EU anti-money laundering Rulebook. The retention of such exemption can be incorporated in EU Regulation in a compliant way and following a risk-based approach, without being in conflict with EU legislation and the FATF requirements. [...]


EPIF position on the proposal on Instant Credit Transfers

EPIF welcomes the proposal by the European Commission on instant credit transfers in euros. This proposal is an essential element of the EU’s Retail Payments Strategy and EPIF members have always supported the efforts by the European Commission to foster pan-European initiatives. As a member of the European Payments Council (EPC), EPIF has actively participated [...]


EPIF Response to the DAC Proposal

On 8 December 2022, the European Commission adopted its proposal amending the EU Directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation, also known as DAC8. This proposal has been highly expected by the industry and is a positive step forward to improve tax transparency and minimize the risks of under-reporting of taxable income. DAC8 [...]


EPIF response to BEFIT

EPIF fully supports the European Commission’s efforts to remove tax obstacles and reduce administrative burdens for European businesses with a view of creating a more business-friendly environment in the EU. We however maintain that the continued pursuit of a multitude of unilateral corporate tax initiatives will lead to a high degree of unnecessary complexity, uncertainty [...]

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