EPIF response to the FSB Consultation on Data Frameworks

EPIF is delighted to share with you its contributions to the FSB consultation under the G20 Roadmap on aligning data frameworks. EPIF very much supports the efforts by the FSB to further promote the alignment and interoperability of data frameworks across jurisdictions and agrees with the overall assessment that the lack of interoperability of data [...]


EPIF response to the European Commission’s consultation on Open Finance

EPIF is delighted to share its response to the European Commission targeted consultation on a open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector. EPIF considers that primarily Open Finance has brought more payment solutions and more options available. Notwithstanding, often provisions are not phrased in a technology-agnostic manner and can be overly prescriptive, [...]


Joint industry response to the EDPB consultation on Recommendations on measures that supplement transfer tools to ensure compliance with the EU level of protection of personal data

We endorse strong protections for personal data, including when data is transferred to third countries. We believe the Recommendations are key not only to ensuring consistency of the implementation of the CJEU’s decision in Schrems II, but also to help data exporters comply with the Court’s decision. But we have substantial concerns about some potential interpretations of the Draft Recommendations. Please see our response attached.


EPIF Position Paper on Safe Harbour 2.0

EPIF is pleased to share its position paper on Safe Harbour 2.0. In the context of the recent ruling of the CJEU in the Max Schrems case and the discourse which has surrounded it, EPIF would like to take the opportunity to highlight the importance of the Safe Harbour Agreement for the functioning of modern digital economies and [...]


EPIF Position Paper on the EU General Data Protection Regulation

EPIF  welcomes  the  European  Commission’s  proposal  for  greater  harmonisation  of  the  EU data protection regime within the internal market with regard to the processing of EU personal data. With this position paper, EPIF seeks to address the concerns it has identified in the draft Regulation. A number of provisions lead in their current form to legal [...]

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