Joint Statement on EUCS

EPIF is delighted to share with you the joint statement co-signed with AFME and Insurance Europe regarding the cybersecurity certification scheme for cloud services (EUCS). In this joint statement we welcome the improvements made in the latest version of the draft EUCS scheme. With the removal of most sovereignty requirements, the latest draft will introduce [...]


Joint Statement on duplication in the Cyber Resilience Act

EPIF is delighted to share with you the joint statement on duplication in the Cyber Resilience Act co-signed by EPIF together with the associations AFME, EBF, EPIF, ESBG and EACB regarding the duplication between the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and DORA. With this statement the co-signatories aim to draw your attention to the the overlap [...]


Joint statement on EUCS

EPIF is delighted to share with you the joint statement on EUCS co-signed by EPIF together with AFME, EBF, EPIF, ESBG and Insurance Europe regarding the cybersecurity certification scheme for cloud services (EUCS). The ongoing process of developing a cybersecurity certification scheme for cloud services (EUCS) has been raising serious concerns amongst the EU financial services [...]


Joint Statement on EU Digital Identity Regulation

Please find below the Joint Statement by EPIF, together with the ETTPA, the European Fintech Association, the European Digital Finance Association and AEFI on the EU eIDAS Regulation. The Joint Statement highlights the importance of keeping payments under the scope of the Regulation.   Digital identity should be able to substitute physical identity documents in [...]


EPIF response to the European Commission’s Fintech consultation

Financial  technology  has  the  potential  to  democratise  financial  services  across  the  EU.  Consumers expect to be able to shop online, transfer money, and purchase financial services products online and cross-border as quickly and as easily as sending an email or a text message. With the right technical and regulatory pan-European framework, financial technology companies can [...]

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