Joint industry position on the CS3D

EPIF is delighted to share with you its joint paper with AFME, ISDA and FIA on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. The paper highlights the serious challenges faced by financial institutions if the obligations are applied beyond their upstream supply chain to their relationships with corporate clients or trading counterparties in their downstream value chain. [...]


Joint statement on the due diligence proposal (CS3D)

EPIF is delighted to share with you the joint statement on the due diligence proposal (CS3D). The European Commission's efforts on an EU due diligence framework are very much supported but need a sense of realism, proportionality and workability. This joint statement brings together a number of recommendations and concerns shared by the business community [...]


EPIF welcomes the European Commission proposal on Instant Credit Transfers

EPIF welcomes the proposal by the European Commission on instant credit transfers in euros. This proposal is an essential element of the EU’s Retail Payments Strategy and EPIF members have always supported the efforts by the European Commission to foster pan-European initiatives. New initiatives based on instant payments will increase competition in the Single Market [...]


EPIF response to the European Commission’s consultation on Open Finance

EPIF is delighted to share its response to the European Commission targeted consultation on a open finance framework and data sharing in the financial sector. EPIF considers that primarily Open Finance has brought more payment solutions and more options available. Notwithstanding, often provisions are not phrased in a technology-agnostic manner and can be overly prescriptive, [...]


EPIF letter to the ECB on the Digital Euro

Given the ongoing investigation by the European Central Bank on a possible Digital Euro, EPIF is delighted to share its written feedback to the first European Retail Payments Board Digital Euro Focus Session with the non-bank payment sector. The first and foremost priority is to know the design of the Digital Euro, on which the [...]


EPIF response to the Commission targeted consultation on the Digital Euro

EPIF is delighted to share with you its response to the Commission targeted consultation on the Digital Euro. EPIF fully supports the ECB task of to promote the smooth operation of payment systems and we agree that the safety and efficiency of the payment system is essential for a stable and well-functioning financial system and contributes [...]


EPIF response to the OECD RFI exclusion under Pillar 1 – Amount A

EPIF is delighted to share with you its response to the OECD Public Consultation on the Regulated Financial Institutions exclusion under Amount A of Pillar 1. EPIF points out that the proposed rules lead to inequalities that result from the exclusion being determined on an entity-level basis and thus applies to the financial services activities [...]


EPIF response to the EBA Consultation on remote onboarding

EPIF is delighted to share with you its response to the EBA Consultation on new  Guidelines on the use of remote customer onboarding solutions. EPIF very much welcomes the Guidelines but points out that further clarity should be provided. The use of plain language throughout the Guidelines would help regulators and businesses understand what is [...]

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