EPIF response to the EBA Consultation on 90 day re-authentication

EPIF is delighted to share with you its response to the EBA Consultation on the amendment to its technical standards on strong customer authentication and secure communication in relation to the 90-day exemption for account access. EPIF welcomes the EBA initiative to reassess some of the practical issues around Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in the [...]


EPIF response to the Commission AML Package

EPIF is delighted to share with you its response to the Commission AML Package. EPIF very much welcomes the Commission’s proposals as part of the AML package. We have been strong supporters of moving to greater harmonization in the EU Anti-Money Laundering (AML) framework and we very much welcome the fact that parts of the [...]


EPIF response to EBA consultation on draft Guidelines on cooperation and information exchange between prudential supervisors, AML/CFT supervisors and financial intelligence units

EPIF welcomes this EBA Guidelines and we are supportive of the aim of establishing a formal framework to ensure effective cooperation and information exchange between prudential supervisors, AML/CFT supervisors and financial intelligence units thus enabling and facilitating the efficient and effective supervision and coordinated supervisory actions where necessary. EPIF fully agrees We agree on the importance of identifying synergies between the work of the different authorities and build on these synergies to foster a more effective approach to both, prudential and AML/CFT supervision, while avoiding unnecessary duplications and respecting the autonomy of the different authorities’ respective roles, tasks and competencies.


EPIF response to the Commission consultation on Instant Payments

EPIF is delighted to share with you our response to the Commission consultation on Instant Payments. We agree with the Commission’s overall objective to foster pan-European market initiatives based on instant payments, which would ensure that anyone holding a payment account in the EU could be able to receive and send an instant credit transfer [...]


EPIF response to European Commission public consultation on the review of VAT rules for financial & insurance services

We are delighted to share with you EPIF's response to the European Commission public consultation on the review of VAT rules for financial and insurance services. EPIF members consider the following overarching design principles for a future modernised VAT framework: Provide legal certainty to taxpayers engaged in the provision of financial services; Ensure consistency and [...]


EPIF’s contribution to the FATF project to study and mitigate the unintended consequences resulting from the incorrect implementation of the FATF Standards

EPIF is delighted to share with you our contribution to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) project to study and mitigate the unintended consequences resulting from the incorrect implementation of the FATF Standards, focusing on the issue of bank de-risking EPIF fully supports the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) efforts to look into the unintended [...]

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