EPIF’s position paper on IFR Review

EPIF is delighted to share with you a position paper on the Interchange Fee Regulation (IFR) review that was prepared in response to the Commission's Survey on the effects of the Interchange Fee Regulation.


EPIF response to the European Commission’s Fintech consultation

Financial  technology  has  the  potential  to  democratise  financial  services  across  the  EU.  Consumers expect to be able to shop online, transfer money, and purchase financial services products online and cross-border as quickly and as easily as sending an email or a text message. With the right technical and regulatory pan-European framework, financial technology companies can [...]


EPIF’s contribution to the public consultation on the operations of the ESAs

We would like to thank the European Commission for the opportunity of commenting on the Public  consultation  on  the  operations  of  the  European  Supervisory  Authorities. EPIF would hope that  the  ESA  review  will  provide  the  opportunity  to  implement  the  following  three suggestions:  The  EBA  Regulation  should  enshrine  binding  wording  giving  the  EBA  a  clear mandate  to  [...]


EPIF comments on the revised draft RTS on strong customer authentication and secure communication

EPIF has highly appreciated the constructive dialogue with the European Commission and the EBA during this process but nonetheless has some final remakrs on the revised draft. EPIF is of the view that card-based transactiobs should be exempt from the dynamic linking requirement. EPIF suggesting relacinx the requirements to keep the maximum transaction amount to EUR 50 [...]

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