EPIF Position Paper On The EBA Gl ON PI Insurance

EPIF does not agree on the requirement of undertakings and believe that the minimum monetary amount  should always cover the potential liabilities. EPIF does not agree on the indicators under the type of activity criteria should be calculated and believes that the size of activity indicator is exaggerated.


EPIF Position Paper on the Commission’s proposal to amend the 4th AMLD

EPIF is pleased to share its position paper on the Commission;s proposal to amend the 4th AMLD. EPIF is supportive of the initiatives that introduces a more robust legal environment and measures to counter terrorist financing and money laundering. EPIF suggests putting together the different existing lists of high risk third countries to avoid contradictions among EU [...]


EPIF Position Paper on the EBA Guidelines on PI Insurance for PSPS’

EPIF is pleased to share its position paper on the EBA Guidelines on PI Insurance  for PSPS’. There appears an over-reliance on insurance to underpin the new TPP market. This appears to be the assumed solution even in the title of the ‘Guidelines on Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance for PSPs’. This is unfortunate since there is no such [...]


VocaLink White Paper: SCT INST: IS IT SEPA 2.0?

VocaLink, an EPIFobserver, has published a White Paper on Instant Payments. The White Paper explores what will happen to SEPA after Instant Payments becomes a reality. It considers how Instant Payments may eventually become the "new normal! for Europe or "SEPA 2.0", how this convergence to SCT Inst will affect the stakeholders and what levers [...]

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